Welcome to the latest episodes from The Mythsterhood of the Travelling Tales. Your hosts, Anike and Jaz, will take you wonder by wonder, through the myths that tie our cultures together.
Season One: Around the World in 80 (or so) Dragons.
Starting in June, we’ll be delivering delicious podcasts every two weeks. If you can’t wait until then, check out our blog or our social media accounts to say hello and get your dragon fix. Also support us on Patreon to get early access of each episode!
Episodes With Transcripts
- Mythsterhood, Episode 25, Dragons of North America Part II
- Dragons of North America Part I
- Mythsterhood, Episode 23, Dragons of the British Isles Part III
- Mythsterhood, Episode 22, Dragons of the British Isles Part II
- Episode 21: Dragons of the British Isles Pt 1
- Mythsterhood, Episode 20, Dragons of Scandinavia
- Episode 19: Dragons of Central Europe
- Episode 18: Dragons of the Mediterranean
- Episode 17: Dragons of the Balkans
- Episode 16: Dragons of Africa – Part II
- Dragons of Africa, Part I – Episode 15
- Mythsterhood, Episode 14 and a half, Mythster Round Table
- Mythsterhood, Episode 14, Dragons of Turkey
- Episode 13: Dragons of Egypt
- Episode 12: Dragons of Russia
- Episode 11: Dragons of the Middle East, Part II
- Dragons of the Middle East, Part I – episode 10
- Episode 9: Dragons of Central Asia
- Episode 8: Dragons of Indian Mythology
- Episode 7: Dragons of Chinese Mythology
- Episode 6: South East Asia Dragons, Part II
- Episode 5: Dragons of South East Asia, Part I
- Episode 4 and a half: What About the Kappa?
- Episode 4 – Dragons of Korea Mythology
- Episode 3: Dragons of Japanese Mythology
- Episode 3: Through Rivers Waded
- Episode 2: Australia Dragon Mythology
- Episode 1: Pacific Islands Dragon Mythology
- The New Mythology Podcast Introduction
- Episode 2: The Serpent That Was
Play All Episodes

29. The Last of our Dragons – Mythsterhood of the Travelling Tales
I regret to inform you this is the end… of season one. I'm sorry, couldn't resist that one. Mythsterhood listener Joshua Boucher joined the three of us in our first ever live episode, in which we discussed everything expected and unexpected from this year full of dragons. It's been quite the adventure and we wouldn't have made it this far without the support of our listeners, the members of our Discord community, and especially our patrons. Thank you Andrew and Lizzie, for your continued support, and an extra special thank you to new patron Bryan Soares.
Knowing you appreciate our work means the world to us, and it's what keeps us going even when chaos reigns.
The Mythsterhood of the Travelling Tales will be taking a bit of a break in between seasons, to prepare for next season, so it will be a bit longer until our next adventure, but we will be back and until then, the three of us wish you days like dragons greeting clouds.
Later Mythsters!
Theme music: Wanderer by Alexander Nakarada (serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License